Tuesday 19 June 2012

London Part 2

Number one on my London Tourist list of places to visit was the British Library. Call me a nerd, but I loved my visit! Having taken a Bible based Arts and Humanities class this past semester it was really quite amazing to see the old Biblical texts dating back an INSANE number of years. It really amazes me how the words of Jesus, the prophets and the history of the nation of Israel have survived this long.
I am currently reading Jane Eyre and loving it. It really is a captivating read. Again, call me a nerd, but it was truly magical to be stood before the original manuscript penned by Charlotte Bronte, whilst carrying my paperback copy in my bag. Wow. I was also in love with the library's coffee corner which is nestled within tall glass cased shelves all packed with ancient novels and history books and encyclopedias .....yeah, I could have spent all day there. Also, there is a great room all about the Magna Carta AND a crazy amount of stamps from all over the world. Yes, I am nerd, but I really love the British Library. It made me feel rather sad for countries like the USA who just don't have such an old, rich history.
Sorry y'all.  
Unfortunately I was not able to take any photos for you inside the exhibition rooms. Sad.
BUT, I was able to take some photos of St Paul's Cathedral which was next up during my day of being a London Tourist with my awesome Godmother.


Katie Cook said...

love love love! haha, I just posted london pics, and it's fun to reminisce! we didn't make it to the british library...how was it? Love Katie

Lyndsy said...

Aww libraries. Swoon.

Nicole said...

aww, I'd love to go there sometime!

Erin Marie said...

sounds facinating! i love that kind of stuff too. hope to get over to london sometime...never been! thanks for sharing, beautiful pictures.
